Science is a Process, not an Object.

Advanced Honors Biology

Blog Entries

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Translation etc

This is the next phase: translation of the mRNA into a protein sequence. We just began this briefly today. The glowing pig and tobacco plant are there for a reason. What does it tell you that you can express a firefly gene in a plant, or a jellyfish gene in a pig?

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Cell Cycle

This is a brief introduction the cell cycle. As we discussed on Thursday, there are some minimal things we know have to go on.
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The diagram contains sort of the overview of what happens. Most bio classes start out with glycolysis. This is not like most biology classes.
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Transport Proteins

The short intro I did in class is found here.
One of the main things a membrane has to be able to do is control what flows through it. Sometime, that's just opening a channel and letting the dissolved thing flow "down gradient." But, sometime the cell has to do active work to pump ions to one side or the other of a membrane.
Once that gradient is established, it can be used to do work…and in fact used in myriad ways you can hardly imagine. Since it is so important, we will spend some time on it.
By the way, the figure is a cartoon of a protein called "aquaporin." Guess what it transports. It's a fascinating protein. Think about how you can make a protein that allows water…and only water…to pass through.
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