Science is a Process, not an Object.

Honors Biology Prep

Blog Entries

Molecules and Basic Bonding

I want to refresh you somewhat concerning the chemistry you will need to know to understand biology. Also, we use a "short-hand" notation when drawing organic molecules (molecules including carbon and hydrogen). This blog introduces you to that system, and some of the functional groups we will use consistently.
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While almost all the reactions in your body take place in, and even include interactions with, water, there are some that require a hydrophobic milieu. Moreover, you need something to keep the outside out, and the inside in…a membrane…which is made of something called lipids.
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In some sense, all science comes down to understanding energy. If someone ever asks you why something happens, you can answer: "The second law of thermodynamics." It's never wrong, but also may not be very helpful unless you can make the connection to more local causes. This is the beginning of the discussion, with a biological theme.
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